

陈慧芝 其他

科 室:
擅 长:陈慧芝医师,中医世家。自幼跟随祖父熟识各种药性,与中医结下不解之缘,从了解,到熟知再到热爱,终于陈医师选择了中医之路。

简 介:陈慧芝: 医生荣誉 ★上海长江医院中医科主任 医生简介   陈慧芝医师,中医世家。自幼跟随祖父熟识各种药性,与中医结下不解之缘,从了解,到熟知再到热爱,终于陈医师选择了中医之路。   1975年毕业于山东医科大学临床医学,开始了她的行医之路。凭借三十余年的临床实践和对中医的热爱,陈医师凭借多年的临床经验和对中西结合的独到见解,对不孕不育症有着深厚的中医论证和西医科学分析,已经为上万个家庭圆了求子之梦,是治疗不孕不育的中西医结合医生。现在就任于上海长江不孕不育医院。 英文简介   Shanghai Changjiang Hospital director of Chinese Medicine   Dr. Chen Huizhi, Chinese family. He followed in his grandfather\'s familiar with the various drugs, and Chinese knot indissoluble bound, from understanding to the familiar, to love, finally Chen chose Chinese road.   In 1975 graduated from the Shandong Medical University clinical medicine, began her medical road. With more than thirty years of clinical practice of traditional Chinese medicine and to love, Dr. Chen with years of clinical experience and the combination of Chinese and Western views on infertility, has a profound traditional Chinese and Western medicine science demonstration analysis, has been for tens of thousands of homes round in her dream, is the treatment of infertility with integrated Chinese and Western medicine expert. Now takes office in the Shanghai Yangtze River sterility hospital. 从医座右铭--胆大心细四诊详不许粗枝大叶,智圆行方慎思量还须理法有章。
