






天津医科大学口腔医学院重视发展间的合作与交流,与美国Michigan大学、澳大利亚QUEENSLAND大学、日本昭和大学、东北大学、广岛大学、日本大学松户齿学部、芬兰OLUE大学,加拿大British Columbia大学等10多个口腔医学院校建立了长期友好的姊妹院校合作关系,聘请了***医生为名誉医生、客座医生来我院讲学、指导临床和共同进行科学研究。医院一贯注重人才引进与培养,近年来从引进、培养博士生近20名,为医院可持续发展奠定了坚实的基础。


The Dental College & Dental Hospital of Tianjin Medical University is merged into an organic whole and is listed as Grade-III A Hospital providing medical care, teaching, research and prevention. The mission of hospital is to cultivate higher dental talents, popularize and raise preventive and treatment level of dental diseases. Tianjin Medical University is the first medical university approved by the State Council after the founding of the People’s Republic of China and has also ranked one of the key universities for the 21st century development in China.


Tianjin is an economical center in the area of Bohai Sea and is also a biggest city in the North of China opening to the world. Tianjin is located northeast of Northern plain of China, borders to Bohai Sea in the East, is closed to Mountain Yan in the North and is near to Beijing in the West. The Dental College & Hospital of Tianjin Medical University is situated near the beautiful city center. The building of hospital has a floor space of 8000 square meters and is equipped with the up-to-date medical instruments which have created favorable conditions for the medical care, teaching and research and have provided advanced diagnostic and treatment means for dental services. The hospital has staff of 221, among which includes 20 supervisors for Ph.D and Master students and 49 professors.  There are 7 teaching & research departments and one experimental center, under which, there are 7 laboratories and 3 teaching consulting rooms. Every year, the Dental College admits over 20 Master’s degree students from all parts of China and 30 five-year dental students and 30 seven-year dental students. We also enroll the international students at the same time.


The Dental Hospital is a Grade-III A Hospital with 12 clinical departments, 6 dental technique departments, 50 beds and 110 comprehensive dental chairs.  There are 250000 outpatients every year. The hospital also provides dental treatment for the patients from the other parts of China.


In recent five years, the Dental College & Hospital have published more than 300 academic papers in the domestic and international journals, among which 10 papers are included in the SCI and EI. Over 10 books and teaching textbooks have been published. The Dental College & Hospital has taken on over 50 research projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, National 863 Plan, Research Foundation of Ministry of Education, Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, etc. We have made lots of achievements.  One research project was given National Science & Technology Award, 12 were given the Science & Technology Awards by Tianjin and Ministries. We have also obtained 4 patents.  Our research project: “A Study on Gene Mutation of Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Type II” is obtained the Second Prize of National Science & Technology Award. 4 new techniques have filled in gaps of new techniques in Tianjin medicine.


The Dental College & Hospital of Tianjin Medical University attaches importance to development of international relationship and cooperation.


乘车路线:乘坐35路862路878路879路901路 到 医科大学 下车步行42米 乘坐地铁3号线 到 德才里(吴家窑) 下车步行407米 乘坐175路47路下行48路下行662路685路698路831路845路855路870路871路872路902路904路95路A路观光2路 到 德才里 下车步行407米 乘坐968路 到 德才里站 下车步行460米 乘坐310路35路677路685路878路879路901路951路952路963路9路 到 气象台路德才里 下车步行471米
